Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 4 Assignment 1

Module 4 Assignment 1

Q For this assignment, you will develop a mind map or a concept map. You must develop you map at least four levels, not including the top level. As you are developing your map, use the Paulian critical thinking model to help explore the concept. You can choose the topic based on one of the following topics: 1. Current event (e.g., gun control, pro-life vs. pro-choice debate, refugee crisis, immigration reform) 2. Challenge you are facing in your organization (e.g., lack of diversity in your leadership team) 3. Developing fair-minded critical societies (see reading for this week)

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Concept mapping is the suggesting with a purpose. An overarching concept is broken into smaller parts, using arrows and linking words to show how ideas get connected. Commonly used in education, concept maps are helpful in any field by driving creative and visual thinking (Christensen, 2021). It is a diagram or a graphical tool that visually represents relationships between the concepts and ideas. In most cases, concept maps are depicted with the help of boxes and circles, which are structured hierarchically and connected with lines and arrows. These lines are labelled with linking words and phrases to help explain the connection between concepts ("What is a Concept Map", 2021).